The Sins of the Father

I wrote this last year, but it fits today better....

The Sins of the Father
December 7, 2005

Today I sent a letter to my father,
Hoping his disappointment was misplaced.
Every line that I crossed was farther.
Since I left his house I've raced
In every direction to find my own.
Now here, now there, ever challenging
Social convention and his shadow-cone.
Orbiting, none-the-less, still following,
Falling in the shadow: his long life of love.
There is little else that I could ask for.
His approval, though, I'm still short of.
Every day I thank God as He keeps score,
For those small things that we do right
All eclipse our greater wickedness,
That in His mercy and His might,
His curse goes down just four or less.
Every blessing, though, goes through a thousand.
Remember, son, your father's works, less sin.

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