A Chiasm in Genesis 7:20-24 on the Death of All Life

The Flood was like a drastic, last-ditch medical therapy that kills off a disease, but nearly kills the patient in the process. 

Throughout Scripture, states of uncleanness can only be remedied by repentance, water, and time. Since there was no repentance coming from the people who lived before the Flood, God repented himself from having made them, and then he sent water and time to cleanse the earth from the uncleanness of their depravity.

The chiasm in this passage separates the death of all living things from the rest of the passage by two literary walls of water. The first wall is measured by depth, the second by time.

Chiasm on Matza and Houses in Exodus 12:18-22

Keep this out of the house. Keep yourself inside the house.
Cut that person off. Kill this lamb.
Don't eat that. Eat this.

During the week of Unleavened Bread, some things are forbidden in your house and some things are required.

Exodus 12:18-22

  • V18-19a – A time in which something is not to be found in your house
    • V19b – If anyone eats leavened bread, he is to be cut off from the people
      • V20a – Don’t eat anything leavened
        • V20b – In your houses
      • V20c – Eat unleavened bread
    • V21 – The elders of the people are to select lambs according to the families and kill them.
  • V22 – A time in which you are not to be found outside your house
Tangent: Many English translations of this passage make it appear that there is a switch from singular to plural in verse 21: select the "lambs" and then kill the "lamb". This is misleading because only the first instance, the plural, actually uses the Hebrew word for lamb, which is tson, a collective noun. The singular of "Passover lamb" only uses the Hebrew word for Passover, which is pesach. The word "lamb" in the latter instance has been inserted by many translators.

Parallels Between Transfiguration and the Wedding at Cana

Check out these parallels between the Transfiguration on the Mount and the Wedding at Cana.

The Transfiguration is described in Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, and Luke 9:28-36. The Wedding at Cana in Galilee is described in John 2:1-12.

Giving of the Law Transfiguration on the Mount Wedding at Cana in Galilee
On the 3rd day After 6 days After 3 days
Moses went up the mountain with Joshua. Jesus went up the mountain with Peter, James, and John. Jesus went to the wedding with his mother Mary and his disciples.
The Law was given on Mount Sinai, probably in Arabia, not the Sinai Peninsula. The Transfiguration probably took place on Mount Tabor in Galilee. The Wedding took place at Cana in a valley near Mount Tabor.
Moses said, "Listen to the prophet to come." God said, "Listen to him." Mary said, "Listen to him."
Moses was transfigured. Jesus was transfigured. Water was transfigured.
Hebrews fell on their faces, terrified. Disciples were very tired, but later fell on their faces, terrified. The wedding guests had "well drunk."
The glory of God appeared. The glory of God appeared. Jesus manifested his glory.
Moses came down the mountain with Joshua and the tablets. Jesus came down the mountain with his disciples. Jesus went to Capernaum with his mother, brothers, and disciples.
? The disciples kept silent. The servants kept silent.
? Jesus said not to speak of it until after the resurrection. Jesus asked Mary why she involved him since his time had not yet come.

The primary point of the Transfiguration seems to be to demonstrate to Yeshua's inner circle that he was the prophet Moses had promised in Deuteronomy 18:15, but I don't know why there are so many parallels with the wedding at Cana. There are too many elements in common for this not to be significant. Sinai was a wedding and the Covenant a marriage ketubah. I'm sure there must be a clue there.