Chiasm on 40 Years in Deuteronomy 1:1-3

A chiasm in Deuteronomy 1:1-3 on the 40 year wilderness journey. Devarim
  • V1 - The words
    • dabar Moshe kol Israel (spoke Moses to all Israel)
      • V2 - echad asher yom (eleven days)
        • V3 - vayehi b'arba'im (Fortieth Year)
      • bashtey asher chodesh (eleventh month)
    • dabar Moshe el bnei Israel, k'kol (spoke Moses to the sons of Israel, all...)
  • Commandments of YHWH
In Scripture, the number 40 is associated with periods of transformation and preparation for ministry. Moses spent 40 years in Midian preparing for his confrontation with Pharaoh. Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness preparing to occupy the Promised Land. Yeshua spent 40 days int he wilderness preparing for his ministry.

The number 11 is often associated with an apostate Israel, the 12 tribes with one removed because of sin. This is also reflected in the 12 disciples without Judas.

The direct words of God (prophecy), the instruction of Moses concerning those words (teaching), and even disobedience and apostacy (11) in the camp all work together for the transformation of the Hebrew people into who God needs them to be in order to take the Promised Land from the Canaanites (40). This is a pattern for us. We shouldn't seek out sin and heresy, but we do need to acknowledge that conflict within our communities and being forced to deal with sin and heresy is a big part of our journey to becoming the people God needs us to be.

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