Send Thou Men...

Numbers 13:2

Send thou men… God commanded Moses to send only men into Canaan as spies. The absurdity of radical feminists who say that women can do anything men can do hardly needs refutation. God's purpose in sending men and not women is obvious. Notice also that he once again referred to the divinely ordained patriarchal structure of Israel: "Of every tribe of their fathers shall ye send a man".

God wanted chief men, who were probably beyond their physical prime. The mission was not to be a surprise attack, but rather a fact finding expedition, requiring wisdom and intelligence as much as strength and stealth. Perhaps more importantly, they were sent to lay claim to the land, and only men of authority could act in the name of the tribes. Notice that no man of Levi was included in the twelve. This is because Levi had no inheritance in the land, and so no Levitical leader was required to seal their claim.

1 comment:

  1. But instead of sealing a claim, they delivered a demoralizing report, except for Joshua and Caleb.

    The Jews categorize the story as "The sin of the spies"


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