Google Is the CIA

Yes, Tik Tok is a propaganda and intel collection tool of the CCP. If you were paying attention to tech news, you've known this for years now.

Now you also know that Twitter has been a propaganda and intel collection tool of the FBI. The evidence is pretty solid. Hopefully they continue to root out the fascist moles over there.

Last week, NameRedacted247 revealed that Google is a propaganda and intel collection tool of the CIA. The evidence on this is also very solid. See the link to the thread consisting of 35 tweets.

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates, who is an open proponent of killing off most of the world's population--in the kindest ways, of course--and has always freely cooperated with the intelligence community through "undocumented features" of Microsoft products. I'm willing to bet that the same is true of Apple.

These aren't conspiracy theories (except for the Apple speculation). They are very well documented facts. I'm just waiting to hear which intelligence agency is really running Facebook.

The question now is, what can be done about it? I honestly don't know. These tech companies--the Technomafia--dominate communications and access to information across the entire world. Use alternatives where you can, but most of those alternatives behave like cheap knockoffs with barely half the functionality and no guarantee that they aren't similarly infiltrated.

Yep. I get the irony of posting this on a blogging platform owned by Google, but they're already suppressing access to my sites. Years ago, an anti-freedom change to their search algorithms dropped one of my websites from over 800 visits per day to about 20 visits, over night. If this blog ever gets too popular via backlinks and non-Google search engines, I'm sure they'll just delete it.

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