Communications channel picker for decade 2020-29

In 2021 we have so many different ways to communicate, I thought it might be helpful to rank them in order of importance and practical usage...

1. In person: Life or death. Someone's going to die if we don't do something now.

2. Voice call: Needs immediate attention. Like...right now. But nobody's going to die. Probably not. Or it's just too complicated for text or chat.

3. Video call: Like a voice call, except I got dressed.

4. Text or chat: Time sensitive. Need information or need something done ASAP.

5. Open a ticket: Need to get this done soon-ish and needs some explaining and maybe CYA tracking. Don't forget it.

6. Email: Heads up, reminder, or more detailed information about an issue raised in a prior call or chat. Especially useful for including a group of people who might want to know but don't need to do anything.

7. Open a ticket: Above my paygrade and I don't care if anything happens with it or not. Fire and forget.

8. Text or chat: Gossip and friendly chatter not directly related to business.

9. Video call: Hey, look! I'm a real person and not a chat bot.

10. Voice call: Umm...why are you calling me? Can you just send me an email or something? The Help Desk phone number is on their website.

11. In person: Wanna grab a beer?

Wait.... Is that a chiasm?

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