The Myth of Domestic Violence

According to a report by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau (That mouthful sounds like a bureaucratic dream!), the leading cause of physical injury to women 18 and over is accidentally falling, not domestic violence or any other kind of violence against women. Not only is domestic violence not a leading cause of injury to women, all deliberate acts of violence account for only 1.4% of injuries suffered and reported by women.

Potential problems with the report:
  1. It was made by government.
  2. It was made by people.
  3. It depends on accurate reporting in emergency rooms.
  4. It depends on emergency room visits.
  5. It depends on accurate compilation, analysis, etc. I.e. it was made by people.

I'm not saying domestic violence doesn't exist or isn't a problem. It's just not the rampant problem feminists and their allies would have you believe. They are either delusional or they are liars. Take your pick.


  1. But it's an AWFULLY good excuse for destroying families and separating by force what God may have joined...

  2. Which is probably the real agenda anyway.

  3. I second Mark on this one.


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