A Qualified Candidate

  • Not a lawyer
  • Not divorced
  • Not a drunk or drug addict
  • Not an actor
  • Not involved in pornography
  • Not an ex-con

  • Military veteran
  • Successful businessman
  • Good parent with good kids
  • Demonstrated leadership
  • Intelligent
  • Godly
Is that too much to ask? Really? There are qualified men out there, so why doesn't the American electorate possess sufficient gray matter to support them?

Another thought: Correct a mocker and he will hate you; correct a wise man and he will love you. -King Solomon

One way to learn something of the character of a man is to correct him on some serious matter and observe his response. If he responds respectfully, considerately, then you have learned something good. If he responds angrily, resentfully, mockingly, then you have learned something not so good.


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