No More Subway

There's a lot of talk online about Subway excluding homeschoolers from their "Every Sandwich Tells a Story" writing contest. Having seen many a similar e-rumor, I thought it would be wise to confirm this one before passing it on.

Here's the confirmation from

This accomplishes two things for Subway:

  1. It eliminates needless profits. I like going to Subway because it's relatively healthy fast food. Unfortunately, I won't be eating there again until they make a well-publicized apology and change the contest rules.

  2. It makes public school students feel better about their inability to spell common English words. Basket, for example.

    This image was captured from Subway's web site. I didn't modify it except to crop it shorter.


  1. Good thing you got those screenshots as proof, because now it doesn't say anything about homeschools (and they corrected the spelling of basket lol).

  2. They corrected the spelling of "bastket" but it still says "No home schools" at the bottom of the page.


Tell me something.