A Massachussetts public school has banned tag and apparently dodge-ball, too. Their poor little kiddies might get hurt.
What a bunch of freakin' pansies! Kids get hurt. They're supposed to. Celeste D'Elia, grow up! Better yet, let your son grow up, because he never will if you allow feeling safe to be a priority. He will be a dependent and a slave for his entire life, all because of you, his own mother.
The rest of you (poor Celeste is too helpless and dependent on the dole to be able to run her own life), get your kids out of that stupid school. Get them out of ALL public schools and any private school that wants to treat your children like pretty little flowers. Your kids are not decorations. They are your future. If they can't deal with a scraped knee or a bloody nose, how are they going to deal with war? I'll tell you right now. They will run and hide and beg for the privilege of putting their necks under the heels of whatever oppressor promises the greatest personal comfort. They will be cattle begging to be fattened.
Yes, that's harsh. Deal with it.
Thanks for your point of view. I think schools are ridiculous, and I don't see them getting any better. As a MA resident, this article is an embarrassment! I used to try to protect my children from a lot (though never that ridiculous), until my husband succeeded in making me realize how fruitless and not only that, but how damaging it is.