The hard truth is that it's good business for companies to pander to the rainbow mafia, at least in the medium term. They'll lose a bunch of money for a few months, but we know from the last few years that the righteous indignation of boycotters will fade and everyone will go back to buying Bud Light just like they continue to buy from Target, the NFL, and Harley Davidson.
Even worse, the upcoming generations overwhelming support perversity and authoritarianism of every kind. Objective standards of morality--or even of reality!--are meaningless to most young people. Right and wrong and reason are whatever they feel at the moment, and they have been trained since birth to let other people control their feelings.
Eventually, of course, it will all collapse under the oppressive hate and pain created by the spirits behind all of this insanity, but stock owners and CFOs rarely care about real long term profits nor the costs of human suffering.
Whose fault is this? Yours, mine, and our parents' going back at least another 3 generations. We abdicated our responsibilities as parents to anti-moral entertainers and to an inhuman and anti-God government, and now we are seeing the entirely predictable results.
The American dream is dead. It's been dead for decades. Trump, DeSantis, etc., are just postmortem twitches. Our real mission now isn't to Make America Great Again, because resurrections are acts of divine intervention. Our new mission is to prepare the ground for whatever comes next.