Reconsidering Organized Religion

These things do NOT represent Hebrew Roots any more than Westboro Baptist represents all Baptists.
  • Sacred Name (Jesus comes from Hail Zeus & if you don't spell it right, you're a heretic, etc.)
  • Made up Hebrew words & names.
  • British Israelism & other branches of Christian Identity.
  • Real Israelites are black. Everyone else is a wannabe.
  • The earth is flat and if you don't get it, you're just a dupe of UN satanists
  • Everything is pagan, including the Pope's hat & your mom's apple pie .
  • Jews are Khazari-demon hybrids.
  • Calculating the Sabbath according to the phases of the moon because that's the way pagan Babylonians did it.
  • Refusing to use the traditional Jewish month names because they're of Babylonian origin.
The people who believe these things aren't necessarily bad people. Everyone believes things that are wrong. Everyone has hatred, deception, and ignorance in their hearts.

I just want to point out that these beliefs have NOTHING to do with the Hebrew Roots movement and everything to do with fallen human nature. All of these beliefs can be found in every other religious group and even among atheists, and most Torah-observant Hebrew Roots people don't believe any of those things.

What a repulsive mess. As much as I hate to admit it, this is the kind of thing that highlights the value of organized religion. When everyone does what's right in his own eyes, God turns away and the rest of the world looks on in horror.

A final word of caution to my Torah-observant brothers: You can be the most knowledgeable person in the world on any given subject, but once you begin conflating opinion and emotion with fact, all of your knowledge becomes a noose of confusion, and the more knowledge you add, the tighter it is drawn about your neck.