On Apocalyptic Predictions

Someday I'll get around to a real study of eschatology, and I'll let the world know what I think. In the meantime, I'll quote Paul. This is to every would-be prophet proclaiming this or that day as the day:
The name of God is blasphemed among the nations because of you.

Lies, Statistics, Politics

In my memory, Republican administrations have frequently lied and tried to cover up their shenanigans with alibis, paper trails, and planted evidence. Democrat administrations have frequently lied and then tried to cover up their shenanigans with bigger lies and a little ridicule and name calling. Clinton was a master of the Big Lie, which is a lie so big and blatant that people believe it because they can't believe anyone would really tell it. I'm beginning to think the R's have too much faith in the American people because this tactic has worked remarkably well for the D's.

Obama (or whoever is speaking for and through him) has shown himself to be much worse than Clinton, but without Willie's charm. The campaign promises, the certification of live birth, the birth certificate, the killing of Osama bin Laben...all so absurdly transparent that I find myself admiring the newscasters who can repeat the lies with a straight face. This administration is like the 3 year old with chocolate smeared across her face and hands denying she ever touched the cookie jar. We may never know the real truth about any of those things, but we can be absolutely certain that it won't come out of this white house.

Who's the biggest loser? The astoundingly incompetent cabal running the country? Or the schlemiels who continue to support it?