Witch Doctors and Faith Healers

Sometimes I get the feeling that people discussing divine healing are like shamans discussing cancer. A shaman might stumble on an effective treatment and invent a theory as to why it worked, plausible sounding, perhaps, but not even remotely accurate. When it doesn't work for someone else, he can blame it on curses or interference from a strange rock formation near where an herb was found, or on a planetary alignment.

Likewise, a faith healer might lay hands on one person who is healed and blame a lack of faith or a familial curse when another person isn't, and be just as wrong as the shaman. Every explanation I've heard about why healing doesn't happen the same way every time just sounds like so much hand waving to me.

Why aren't people healed when they ask for healing? Did they use the wrong tone of voice? Should they have commanded instead of asking? It doesn't seem to make any difference as far as I can tell. I believe God can heal. I believe he does heal. So why doesn't he heal every time or at least more often? I wish I knew.

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