Spheres of the Kingdom

As I read the prophets, I am getting a picture of a Millennial Kingdom in which the world is organized into spheres with Messiah at the center.

Sphere 1: Messiah Yeshua
Sphere 2: Kohanim
Sphere 3: Levites
Sphere 4: Natural Israel
Sphere 5: Naturalized Israel (The Mixed Multitude)
Sphere 6: Believing Nations
Sphere 7: Unbelieving Nations

Remember that Paul's statement about Jew & Gentile, male & female, slave & free, was made only in the context of salvation. It was never meant to be applied more broadly than that.

This scheme of spheres in the Kingdom of God probably is not 100% accurate, especially in Spheres 4-6, but I suspect it's in the neighborhood.

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