Sacred Namers

Can anyone point me to a single verse anywhere in the Bible in which God tells us how to pronounce the tetragrammaton? Just one. No? Then get over yourselves. If it were that important, He would have given us some hint as to where the vowels and stress are supposed to go.

The ungodly obsession that some people have over getting the pronunciation right is indeed ungodly. It comes from a spirit of pride and gnosticism, a spiritual addiction to false mystery. It's not even really His name! It's just a label designed to teach us things about Him and you do not need to know how to pronounce it correctly to learn the lessons. I don't care if you say Yahuah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Yehovah, Yahwah, or whatever your current favorite is. It's still yod-heh-vav-heh,

When you, who barely knows any Hebrew at all, tell people that you know more than all of the greatest Hebrew scholars of the last 2000 years, when you tell them that the exact pronunciation is more important than whether or not they're feeding the poor or keeping the Sabbath, know that you have strayed way off the path and become nothing but a tool for Satan to divide God's people. You are making God's people weak and ridiculous.

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